Niom Bistro and TeamBridgeBSC Present

House Rules Game Show

now showing

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Niom Bistro, Newtown, Wellington

1997 archive

Polyticks Poke Live at Kitty O'Brien's

No EFT-POS warm the crowd up before the show.
No EFT-POS warm the crowd up before the show.
Purse also get things going.
Purse also get things going.
Les Andrews tells it like it is ...
Les Andrews tells it like it is ...
... and quotes from The Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy.
... and quotes from The Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy.
The Pole
"Winston Peters" learns why statistics shouldn't be relied upon.
Minista of Edukation
The Minista of Edukation sez why lerning ain't importunt enymore.
Euthanasia Persauders
The Euthanasia Persauders say "You're time's up, old fogies!"
Old Fogies Revenge
But the Old Fogies get their revenge. "Just like '45, dear!"
Mother Muriel
Mother Muriel gives out some budgeting advice. Lovely.
Some of the audience enjoying themselves.
Henrietta Ford
Henrietta Ford gives her view of politicians, suits and mufflers.
A little maths proves that: Election promises = Bull Shit.
The Winston Way
Any example of politics the "Winston Peters" way.
"Sam Hunt" makes a guest appearance.
If politics was a battlefield
"You bastard, sir! You've gone over to the enemy!"
Fingers, the superior parliamentarian
Fingers lays some bad news on the suckers, er, voters.
More audience reaction
More audience approval.
The Election
Everyone makes wild election promises - and breaks them. Just like the real thing.
Thanks to a sizable list of persons most generous with their time.
Special thanks to Warner Music for access to playlist and thanks to TV3 for showing interest.
Thanks to the performers who shared talent and time.
Thanks to Visual Artz for recording the show.
Thanks to the writers who shared their ideas.
Thanks to Horizon Video for recording the show.
Thanks to the graphic artists who lent their expertise.
Thanks to the Minister for presenting such an appealing target.
Thanks to the recording artists who shared their creations.
Thanks to Starlet Productions for lending talent.
Thanks to the several people who worked in the background.
Thanks to the alien visitors who respectfully petted the cat.
Thanks to Exective Producer and Project Director.
Thanks to everyone who came along in support.